We believe Jesus is not only the foundation of our lives, but He is the very center of our existence and fellowship.  Every individual and every family needs the foundation and fellowship of Jesus and His community of believers, the church. Our statements of faith and practice are detailed in The Baptist Faith and Message: 2000 .  We are a participating member of the North Central Florida Baptist Association, The Florida Baptist Convention, and The Southern Baptist Convention.  As such, we also support the mission work of the North American Mission Board and the International Mission Board.  For more information, at your request, we will be happy to email a copy of our constitution and by-laws. We are bound together by a calling to love the Lord, to love one another, to love others, and to share the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ.  The gospel of Jesus is the story of Jesus’ birth, death, burial, resurrection, ascension, and return.  He loves us so much, He would rather die on a Roman Cross alone for us, than to go to heaven without us.  If you have never given your life to Christ, please consider Jesus’ claims today. 


He said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but by me.” (John 14:6)


Would you join us on a journey of a lifetime that begins right where you are and ends in the presence of our Lord forever.

Jesus is calling you to follow Him.


What We Believe